EPiServer with developers on both x32 and x64

Today’s tip is for all of you who want to share the same web.config among all developers in a project so you can check-in and handle changes in your Source Code Control Repository. EPiServer installation directory and web.config You might…

I do not like the trend for EPiServer web.config!

I do not like the trend for EPiServer web.config!

Everyone is talking about CoC (Convention over Configuration) and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) today. The idea is to reduce the amount of repetitive, needless configuration and just keep what’s important. Here is a graph with the number of lines in…

Raise your quality with easy http-protocol analysis

Raise your quality with easy http-protocol analysis

Both Fiddler (shown below) and Firebug can monitor Network traffic from your browser to web servers. I use it as a debugging tool all the time and could not live without it. Discover broken links to images, java scripts, etc…